日期:⺠國 112 年 3 月 25-26 日(星期六、日)
地址:110 台北市信義區菸廠路88號6樓
講師:Erin Gibson, DVM, DACVS-Small Animal
請於 112 年 3 月 12 日 (星期日) 前完成報名,額滿為止,謝謝!
銀牌贊助: 台灣皇家寵物食品有限公司、台灣維克法蘭斯股份有限公司、愛德士生物科技股份有限公司
銅牌贊助: 孟唐有限公司、富邦國際生醫科技有限公司、台灣禮藍動保股份有限公司
單場贊助: 賽恩威特股份有限公司
Erin Gibson, DVM, DACVS-Small Animal
Assistant Professor of Minimally Invasive Surgery
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
1156 N 3rd St.Philadephia, PA 19104
Email: eagibson@uppenn.edu
University of Pennsylvania, Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital, Philadelphia PA November 2022
Assistant Professor of Small Animal Minimally Invasive Surgery
University of California, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Davis CA August 2021-August 2022
Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellow
University of California Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Davis CA August 2020 – 2021
Staff Surgeon, Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons (Small Animal) March 2021
University of California Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Davis, CA August 2021-August 2022
Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellow
University of California Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Davis, CA July 2017-August 2020
Small Animal Surgery Resident
University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center, Saint Paul, MN June 2016-June 2017
Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Rotating Intern
University of California Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, CA
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Bachelor of Science in Animal Science with honors, magna cum laude
1. Mayhew PD, Balsa IM, Stern JA, Johnson EG, Kaplan J, Gonzales C, Steffey MA, Gibson EA, Hagen B, Culp WTN, Giuffrida M. Resolution, recurrence, and chyle redistribution after thoracic duct ligation with or without pericardiectomy in dogs with naturally occurring idiopathic chylothorax. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2022 Dec 22:1-9.
2. Gibson EA, Goldman RE, Culp WTN. Comparative Oncology: Management of Hepatic Neoplasia in Humans and Dogs. Veterinary Sciences. 2022; 9(9):489.
3. Vagias M, Chanoit G, Bubenik-Angapen LJ, Gibson EA, de Rooster H, Singh A, Scharf VF, Grimes JA, Wallace ML, Kummeling A, Flanders JA, Evangelou G, Mullins RA. Perioperative characteristics, histologic diagnosis, complications, and outcomes of dogs undergoing percutaneous drainage, sclerotherapy or surgical management of intrarenal cystic lesions: 18 dogs (2004-2021). BMC Vet Res. 2022 Jun 20;18(1):233.
4. Culp WTN, Gratzek A, Burtch M, Dahlin BC, Dong PR, Phillips KL, Sturges BK, Glaiberman CB, Mitchell JW, Griffin MA, Gibson EA. Ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer to treat an intracranial arteriovenous malformation in a dog. J Vet Intern Med. 2021 May;35(3):1558-1565.
5. Gibson EA, Culp WTN, Palm CA, Hulsebosch SE, Balsa IM, Vernau K. Removal and repositioning of urinary tract implants by use of an endovascular snare system in dogs and cats (2013-2019). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2021;258(9):983- 990.
6. Gibson EA, Culp WTN, Kent MS, Mayhew PD, Wisner ER, Wells A, Visser LC. Treatment of a heart base tumor and chylothorax with endovascular stent, stereotactic body radiation therapy, and a tyrosine kinase inhibitor in a dog. J Vet Cardiol. 2021 Feb;33:61-68.
7. Gibson EA, Culp WTN, Mayhew PD, et al. Laparoscopic-assisted gastrotomy for foreign body retrieval in four dogs. Veterinary Record Case Reports. 2020;8(2):e000966.
8. Mayhew, PD, Balsa, IM, Guerzon, CN, Gibson EA, Keel MK, Veloso Brun M, Lillo Araya FJ. Evaluation of transanal minimally invasive surgery for submucosal rectal resection in cadaveric canine specimens. Veterinary Surgery. 2020; 49: 1378– 1387.
9. Farrell KS, Burkitt‐Creedon JM, Osborne LG, Gibson EA, Massie AM. Gastrointestinal obstruction secondary to activated charcoal granule impaction in a dog. J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2020; 30: 461– 466.
10. Duval JD, Epstein SE, Gibson EA, Culp WTN. Severe intermittent lameness secondary to a migrating metallic foreign body in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2020; 256(6):696-700.
11. Gibson EA, Balsa IM, Mayhew PD, et al. Utility of bronchoscopy combined with surgery in the treatment and outcomes of dogs with intrathoracic disease secondary to plant awn migration. Veterinary Surgery. 2019; 48: 1309– 1317.
日期 |
時間 |
項目 |
講師或單位 |
3/25 |
8:30~9:00 |
報到 |
報到處 |
9:00~9:45 |
Upper urinary tract surgery- subs/stents vs ureterotomy, updates on interventional care |
Erin Gibson |
9:45~10:30 |
Upper urinary tract surgery- subs/stents vs ureterotomy, updates on interventional care |
Erin Gibson |
10:30~11:00 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
11:00~11:45 |
Upper urinary tract surgery- subs/stents vs ureterotomy, updates on interventional care |
Erin Gibson |
11:45~12:30 |
Upper urinary tract surgery- subs/stents vs ureterotomy, updates on interventional care |
Erin Gibson |
12:30~13:30 |
午餐時間Lunch Time |
13:30~14:15 |
Lower urinary tract surgery- PU/cystotomy, minimally invasive approach to the bladder, minimally invasive approach to u-cath, procedural review |
Erin Gibson |
14:15~15:00 |
Lower urinary tract surgery- PU/cystotomy, minimally invasive approach to the bladder, minimally invasive approach to u-cath, procedural review |
Erin Gibson |
15:00~15:30 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
15:30~16:15 |
Lower urinary tract surgery- PU/cystotomy, minimally invasive approach to the bladder, minimally invasive approach to u-cath, procedural review |
Erin Gibson |
16:15~17:00 |
Lower urinary tract surgery- PU/cystotomy, minimally invasive approach to the bladder, minimally invasive approach to u-cath, procedural review |
Erin Gibson |
8:30~9:00 |
報到 |
報到處 |
9:00~9:45 |
Brachycephalic airway disease in cats – updates, surgical treatments |
Erin Gibson |
9:45~10:30 |
Brachycephalic airway disease in cats – updates, surgical treatments |
Erin Gibson |
10:30~11:00 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
11:00~11:45 |
Brachycephalic airway disease in cats – updates, surgical treatments |
Erin Gibson |
11:45~12:30 |
Brachycephalic airway disease in cats – updates, surgical treatments |
Erin Gibson |
12:30~13:30 |
午餐時間Lunch Time |
13:30~14:15 |
Chylothorax in cats – open treatment, updates in imaging/contrat, pleural port placement, outcomes |
Erin Gibson |
14:15~15:00 |
Chylothorax in cats – open treatment, updates in imaging/contrat, pleural port placement, outcomes |
Erin Gibson |
15:00~15:30 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
15:30~16:15 |
Chylothorax in cats – open treatment, updates in imaging/contrat, pleural port placement, outcomes |
Erin Gibson |
16:15~17:00 |
Chylothorax in cats – open treatment, updates in imaging/contrat, pleural port placement, outcomes |
Erin Gibson |
汽車位:平日 $40元/時;假日$60元/時