• 影像學解剖與基礎
• 影像檢查選擇
• 判讀依據與邏輯
• 臨床病例探討
• 實際臨床病例問答討論
• 上完就會看了, 以後診斷消化道疾病沒煩惱!
講師:Dr. Yu-Hung Hsieh
台北地點:台北松菸文創六樓 台北市信義區菸廠路88號六樓
2022/11/23 上午09:00 – 12/2下午五點
12/10-11 上午九點至五點(8:40開始報到)
金牌贊助: 台灣百靈佳殷格翰動物事業股份有限公司
銀牌贊助: 台灣皇家寵物食品有限公司
銅牌贊助: 愛德士生物科技股份有限公司、富邦國際生醫科技有限公司、孟唐有限公司、聯信寵物有限公司、彩新健康事業股份有限公司、總騰儀器股份有限公司、國歡股份有限公司、聯信寵物股份有限公司、柏希菲克股份有限公司
Yu-Hung Hsieh (a.k.a. Alex Hsieh)
Email: dacvr@alex-ray.com
Boarded on Sep. 11, 2018 Jul. 2014-Jun. 2017
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology Master of Science
Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University
Professional presentations
Clinical Experience for the Program of the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE)
Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Sep. 2011-Oct. 2012 Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Sep. 2001-Jun. 2006
Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Award of Teacher of the Year
VCA West Los Angeles (2018-2019)
Award of Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Radiology
American Board of Veterinary Radiology granted on September 11, 2018
Award of Veterinary Radiology Residency
The Ohio State University (2014-2017)
▪ Hsieh Y, Habing GG, Drost WT, Hostnik ET, Green EM. Prevalence and Quantified Dose of Venous Air Emboli Identified on Thoracic Computed Tomographic Examination in Dogs. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound (abstract).
▪ Wang C, Hsieh Y, Chang S, Liu I, Ho H. Is the Common Bile Duct Truly Obstructed or Not? (abstract). 2018 Annual Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
▪ Wang C, Wang C, Hsieh Y. A New Intraoperative Cholangiography Technique for Cholecystectomy in Dogs (abstract). 2016 Annual Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Radiology.
▪ Wang C, Wang C, Hsieh Y. A Novel Technique of Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Cholangiography for Preoperative Cholecystectomy Examination (abstract). 2016 Annual Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Radiology.
▪ Pomerantz L, Hsieh Y. What Is Your Diagnosis? Computed tomography and Core Needle Biopsy for Diagnosis of Canine Urinary Bladder Leiomyoma. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
▪ Choe O, Hsieh Y. What Is Your Diagnosis? Pleural Lipoma in a Dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
▪ Linder T, Wakamatsu C, Jacovino J, Hsieh Y, Mueller M. Stereotactic body radiation therapy as an alternative to adrenalectomy for the treatment of pheochromocytomas in 8 dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology.
▪ Tang C, Chen Y, Hsieh Y. The CT/MRI case of the Month (submitted; under review). Acvr.org.
▪ Hsieh Y, Habing GG, Drost WT, Hostnik ET, Green EM. Prevalence and Quantified Dose of Venous Air Emboli Identified on Thoracic Computed Tomographic Examination in Dogs (abstract; poster). 2016 Annual Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Radiology.
Board-certified Veterinary Radiologist (DACVR)
VCA West Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Veterinarian (Radiology, Post-Trainee/Board Eligible)
VCA Animal Emergency Critical Care, Leesburg, VA
Veterinarian (Radiology, Post-Trainee/Board Eligible)
VCA SouthPaws, Fairfax, VA
Veterinary Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Resident
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Small Animal Rotating Intern
VCA Veterinary Referral Associates, Gaithersburg, MD
▪ Associate Veterinarian
James and Herriot Animal Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Resident in small animal medicine and surgery
National Chung Hsing University Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at 維康動物醫院, Taipei City, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Lecture and Wet Lab Invited sole lecturer at 國立嘉義大學, Chiayi City, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Lecture and Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at 磨鼻子動物醫院, Taoyuan City, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Lecture and Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at 高雄市福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Lecture and Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at 腳步動物醫院, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at 喵屋動物醫院, Taichung City, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at 吉米哈力動物醫院, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at謙華動物醫院, Taiwan Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound Wet Lab
Invited sole lecturer at角落動物醫院, Taiwan
Small Animal Gastrointestinal Imaging Continuing Education
Invited sole lecturer at VCA WLA, Los Angeles, USA
Antinol CE Seminar of Veterinary Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Invited main lecturer, Taichung, Taiwan
Small Animal MRI lectures for ACVS residents
Invited sole lecturer at VCA WLA, Los Angeles, USA
AleX-ray Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Lectures
愛力克獅的獸醫影像學院 Sole lecturer: https://bit.ly/AleX-ray
Veterinary Medical Imaging Specialty Consultant
貝爾動物醫院動物醫院影像部 –穀梨影像, Taichung, Taiwan
12/10 |
12/11 |
9:00- 9:45 |
1. 胃與近端小腸阻塞篇 (X光) |
9:00- 9:45 |
盲結腸阻塞與非阻塞篇(X光與超音波) |
9:45-10:30 |
1. 胃與近端小腸阻塞篇 (X光) |
9:45-10:30 |
盲結腸阻塞與非阻塞篇(X光與超音波) |
10:30-11:00 |
break |
10:30-11:00 |
break |
11:00-11:45 |
胃與近端小腸非阻塞篇 (X光) |
11:00-11:45 |
口咽喉食道篇 (X光, X光透視與超音波) |
11:45-12:30 |
胃與近端小腸非阻塞篇 (X光) |
11:45-12:30 |
口咽喉食道篇 (X光, X光透視與超音波) |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-14:15 |
胃與近端小腸阻塞篇 (超音波) |
13:30-14:15 |
口咽喉食道篇 (X光, X光透視與超音波) |
14:15-15:00 |
胃與近端小腸阻塞篇 (超音波) |
14:15-15:00 |
消化道 (電腦斷層, 超音波) |
15:00-15:30 |
break |
15:00-15:30 |
break |
15:30-16:15 |
胃與近端小腸非阻塞篇 (超音波) |
15:30-16:15 |
消化道 (電腦斷層, 超音波) |
16:15-17:00 |
胃與近端小腸非阻塞篇 (超音波) |
16:15-17:00 |
消化道 (電腦斷層, 超音波) |
Q&A 會在課程章節的最後時間進行
汽車位:平日 $40元/時;假日$60元/時
地址: 807高雄市三民區十全一路100號