日期:民國 111 年 10 月 15、16 日(星期六、日)
1. 請與會的獸醫師自備並全程配戴口罩,全民防疫,你我有責
2. 研討會開始前會對與會者進行體溫篩檢,體溫超標者將無法入場,祈請見諒
3. 學會將密集關注肺炎疫情,若因不可抗防疫因素導致研討會取消或延期,將以臉書社團公告為主
金牌贊助: 台灣百靈佳殷格翰動物事業股份有限公司、台灣禮藍動保股份有限公司
銀牌贊助: 台灣皇家寵物食品有限公司、台灣維克法蘭斯股份有限公司、愛德士生物科技股份有限公司
銅牌贊助: 孟唐有限公司、富邦國際生醫科技有限公司、
單場贊助: 賽恩威特股份有限公司
Tzu-Yin (Cindy) Lin, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Research Associate Professor at University of California, Davis
4501 X St, Sacramento, CA 95817
Email: vetcindy@gmail.com
Veterinary Clinical Pathology Residency – Ohio State University, 09/2009
Ph.D. Veterinary Biosciences – Ohio State University, 09/2005-12/2007
Dissertation: The world according to mast cells – the role of Kit in normal and neoplastic canine mast cells.
Ph.D. candidacy Comparative Pathology, University of California-Davis, 09/2003-08/2005
B.V.M. – National Taiwan University 06/2002, GPA: 3.9/4.0, Rank: 1/49
Thesis: The expression and analysis of EPO-mimetic peptide fusion protein.
2010 Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathology (Clinical pathology)
2002 Taiwan Veterinary License
University of California-Davis Cancer Center Sacramento, CA Associate Research Professor, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology 08/2019-Present Assistant Research Professor, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology 07/2013-07/2019 Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept of Internal Medicine- Hematology/oncology division 01/2010-06/2013
iClinPath International Diagnosis Center Sacramento, CA
Founder & Chief Clinical Pathologist Http://www.iclinpath.com 2010-Present
Theranostec, Inc Elk Grove, CA
Founder and COO 09/2018-Present
- Awarded multiple Phase I and Phase II SBIR grants for clinical translation in cancer drug development
LP Therapeutics, Inc. Davis, CA
Senior Principle Investigator 07/2012-2018
- Awarded Phase I and Phase II SBIR contracts to translate leukemia stem cell targeting nanoparticles
Ohio State University Columbus, OH
Veterinary Clinical Pathology Resident, Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital 09/2006-09/2009
PhD & Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Veterinary Biosciences 09/2005-09/2007 & 09/2007-12/2009
National Taiwan University |
Taipei, Taiwan |
Research Assistant: Hepatitis Research Center, National Taiwan University Hospital |
08/2002-08/2003 |
Veterinary Internship, Animal Teaching Hospital of NTU, Taiwan |
09/2001-06/2002 |
Assistant Veterinarian, Department of Hospitalization of Animal Teaching Hospital |
09/2000-06/2001 |
Undergraduate Researcher, Clinical Pathology and Oncology Lab |
07/2000-06/2002 |
2020 2018-2020 2019 2017 |
Professional Researcher Award, Department of Internal Medicine, UC Davis K12 translational oncology career development award – UC Davis Outstanding Research Award, Department of Internal Medicine, UC Davis Outstanding Research Award, Department of Internal Medicine, UC Davis |
2013 2007&2009 |
Best Research Poster Award, 14th Annual Cancer Research Symposium, UC Davis American College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) Young Investigator Award |
2009 |
Charles Louis Davis Foundation Student Scholarship Award (Ohio State University) |
2008 |
Christopher T. Starost Memorial Oncology Scholarship |
2008 |
Aspen Cancer Conference Fellowship (Aspen, CO) |
2008 |
American College of Veterinary Pathology (ACVP) Young Investigator Award (Tox Path) |
2008 |
Society of Toxicological Pathology (STP) Young Investigator Award |
2007 |
STP Student Speaker Award (First place with honored membership) |
2006 |
UC Davis Graduate Block Fellowship, Comparative Pathology Group |
1999-2002 |
Dean’s List (top 5% of class) 6 times, National Taiwan University |
2013-Present ad hoc Reviewer, JVDI, AJVR, and Journal of Materials Chemistry B, ACS applied materials 2011-Present Membership, American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
2010-Present Membership, American College of Veterinary Pathology
2006-Present Membership, American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) 2009-2010 Honored membership, Society of Toxicological Pathology (STP)
2013-2015 Membership, Control Release Association (CRS) 2011-2012 International Action Committee, ASVCP
2010-2011 Honored membership, Charles Louis Davis Foundation
- 翻譯:獸醫血液學_診斷指引與彩色圖譜(Veterinary Hematology)
- 審閱:犬貓診斷細胞學與血液學 (Diagnostic cytology and hematology of the dog and cat)
- 審閱:小動物細胞學診斷(Small animal cytologic diagnosis)
Journals |
1. |
2003 |
Liao, KW, Lin, TY, Pao, HN, Kam, SY, Wang, FI, Chu, RM. Identification of canine transmissible venereal tumor cells using in situ polymerase chain reaction and the stable sequence of the long interspersed nuclear element. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc, 15(5): 399-406. |
Terminal Degree 2005
- 2006 Lin, TY, Rush, LJ, London, CA. Generation and characterization of bone marrow-derived cultured canine mast cells. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 113(1-2): 37-52.
- 2006 Lin, TY, London, CA. A functional comparison of canine and murine bone marrow derived cultured mast cells. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 114(3-4): 320-34.
- 2008 Lin, TY, Bear, M, Du, Z, Foley, KP, Ying, W, Barsoum, J, London, C. The novel HSP90 inhibitor STA-9090 exhibits activity against Kit-dependent and
-independent malignant mast cell tumors. Experimental hematology, 36(10): 1266-77.
- 2009 Lin, TY, Thomas, R, Tsai, PC, Breen, M, London, CA. Generation and characterization of novel canine malignant mast cell line CL1. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 127(1-2): 114-24.
- 2010 Lin, TY, London, CA. Characterization and modulation of canine mast cell derived eicosanoids. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 135(1-2): 118-27.
- 2010 Lin, TY, Fenger, J, Murahari, S, Bear, MD, Kulp, SK, Wang, D, Chen, CS, Kisseberth, WC, London, CA. AR-42, a novel HDAC inhibitor, exhibits biologic activity against malignant mast cell lines via down-regulation of constitutively activated Kit. Blood, 115(21): 4217-25.
- 2010 Lin, TY, Hosoya, K, Drost, WT, Premanandan, C, Wellman, M. What is your diagnosis? Fine-needle aspirate of an aggressive bone lesion in a dog. Chondrosarcoma. Veterinary clinical pathology / American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 39(3): 397-8
日期 |
時間 |
項目 |
講師或單位 |
10/15 |
8:30~9:00 |
報到 |
報到處 |
9:00~9:45 |
遠程細胞學介紹 Telecytology introduction |
Cindy Lin |
9:45~10:30 |
遠程細胞學介紹 Telecytology introduction |
Cindy Lin |
10:30~11:00 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
11:00~11:45 |
回顧細胞學能告訴你的事 Systemic review of cytology |
Cindy Lin |
11:45~12:30 |
回顧細胞學能告訴你的事 Systemic review of cytology |
Cindy Lin |
12:30~13:30 |
午餐時間Lunch Time |
13:30~14:15 |
回顧血液抹片能告訴你的事 Systemic review of blood smear |
Cindy Lin |
14:15~15:00 |
回顧血液抹片能告訴你的事 Systemic review of blood smear |
Cindy Lin |
15:00~15:30 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
15:30~16:15 |
身體體液的分析與判讀 Fluid analysis and interpretation |
Cindy Lin |
16:15~17:00 |
身體體液的分析與判讀 Fluid analysis and interpretation |
Cindy Lin |
10/16 |
8:30~9:00 |
報到 |
報到處 |
9:00~9:45 |
在台灣可以見到的蟲蟲傳染病 Yes, you can see those bugs in Taiwan – Infection disease |
Cindy Lin |
9:45~10:30 |
在台灣可以見到的蟲蟲傳染病 Yes, you can see those bugs in Taiwan – Infection disease |
Cindy Lin |
10:30~11:00 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
11:00~11:45 |
Q&A |
Cindy Lin |
11:45~12:30 |
Q&A |
Cindy Lin |
12:30~13:30 |
午餐時間Lunch Time |
13:30~14:15 |
貓咪日常可見的細胞學(1) Top to Toe : Everyday cat cytology(1) |
Cindy Lin |
14:15~15:00 |
貓咪日常可見的細胞學(1) Top to Toe : Everyday cat cytology(1) |
Cindy Lin |
15:00~15:30 |
茶點時間Tea Break |
15:30~16:15 |
貓咪日常可見的細胞學(2) Top to Toe : Everyday cat cytology(2) |
Cindy Lin |
16:15~17:00 |
貓咪日常可見的細胞學(2) Top to Toe : Everyday cat cytology(2) |
Cindy Lin |
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- 搭乘捷運「板南線」於「南港展覽館站」下車,並於1號出口離站沿左側至南港1館 ; 沿右側「南港2館地下連通道」至南港2館
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停放15分鐘至1小時內者停車費新臺幣30元。超過1小時以上,每增加半小時加收15 元,不滿半小時以半小時計,每日收費上限180元,停放之車輛如逾晚間10時仍未駛離,須另繳付過夜停車費300元。15分鐘內離場者免收費。
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