日期:⺠國 111 年 3 月 19-20 日(星期六、日)
地址:110 台北市信義區菸廠路88號6樓
講師:Dr. Douglas H. Thamm, 李繼忠獸醫師
請於 111 年 3 月 6 日 (星期日) 前完成報名,額滿為止,謝謝!
1. 請與會的獸醫師自備並全程配戴口罩,全民防疫,你我有責
2. 研討會開始前會對與會者進行體溫篩檢,體溫超標者將無法入場,祈請見諒
3. 學會將密集關注肺炎疫情,若因不可抗防疫因素導致研討會取消或延期,將以臉書社團公告為主
Douglas H. Thamm, VMD, DACVIM (Oncology)
Barbara Cox Anthony Professor of Oncology
Director of Clinical Research
Flint Animal Cancer Center
Colorado State University
Dr. Thamm是在賓州大學完成學士與VMD的學位,隨後在威斯康辛大學完成了腫瘤科的住院醫師訓練,並進行了五年的研究,之後在2004年開始任職科羅拉多州大。Dr. Thamm的學術表現卓越,發表了170篇獸醫與基礎腫瘤的相關研究,並且在20本獸醫或是基礎腫瘤學相關書籍中柱寫了相關章節,而且是撰寫”Small Animal Clinical Oncology的共同作者, ”Journal of Veterinary and Comparative Oncology”的共同編輯。Dr. Thamm的主要研究方向為:最新動物與人類腫瘤的標靶治療,並且與現有治療方式整合。
Barbara Cox Anthony Professor of Oncology
Flint Animal Cancer Center
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Colorado State University
300 West Drake Road
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1620
Office: 970-297-4075
Fax: 970-297-1231
email: dthamm@colostate.edu
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Medical Oncology, School of Medicine
Full Member, Developmental Therapeutics, Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Colorado – Denver
Anschutz Medical Campus
Mail Stop C290
13001 E 17th Place, Room E1354
Aurora, CO 80045
Dates Institution Attended Degree Awarded
1996-1999 Oncology Residency
Department of Medical Sciences Board Certification –
School of Veterinary Medicine Medical Oncology
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
1990-1995 School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Pennsylvania V.M.D., 1995
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
EDUCATION (continued)
Dates Institution Attended Degree Awarded
1986-1990 Department of Biology
School of Arts and Sciences B.A., 1990
University of Pennsylvania Biology
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2010-2016 Associate Professor of Oncology
Department of Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
2004-2010 Assistant Professor of Oncology
Department of Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Assistant Scientist, Oncology Section (40%)
Department of Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
Staff Oncologist and Director of Medical Staff (60%)
The Animal Emergency Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2001-2002 Consultant in Medical Oncology
Animal Cancer Care
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland
Postdoctoral Fellow / Clinical Instructor
Laboratory of Dr. E. Gregory MacEwen
Department of Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
1995-1996 Rotating Intern, Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
Red Bank Veterinary Hospital and Referral Service
Red Bank, New Jersey
2015 George Fleming Prize from The Veterinary Journal
2015 American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation Asa Mays Award for Excellence in Canine Health Research
2011 Barbara Cox Anthony University Chair in Oncology
2008 Excellence in Teaching, University of Colorado Dept. of Pathology
2007 Colorado State University Pfizer Award for Research
2004 Veterinary Cancer Society E. Gregory MacEwen Young Investigator Award
2000 Travel Award, American Association for Cancer Research Molecular Biology in Clinical Oncology Workshop. The Given Institute, Aspen, CO
1994, 1995 Dean’s List, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
1999 Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
(Oncology Subspecialty)
1998-Pr Veterinary Cooperative Oncology Group
1995-Pr American Association for Cancer Research
1994-Pr Veterinary Cancer Society
1992-2005 American Veterinary Medical Association
2000-2004 American Society of Gene Therapy
2007-Pr Colorado (academic license)
2001-02 Queensland, Australia
1996-2004 Wisconsin
1995-1997 New Jersey
1995-1997 Pennsylvania
李繼忠 獸醫師 DVM, MS, PhD,
National Taiwan University, Internal Medicine
Diplomate, Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine(Oncology)
• PhD 臺灣大學(2011)
• M.S. 美國路易斯安那州立大學(1990)
• BVM臺灣大學(1983)
1. Development of an oligonucleotide microarray for simultaneous detection of two canine MDR1 genotypes and association between genotypes and chemotherapy side effects, Jih-Jong Lee, Han-You Lin, Chun-An Chen, Chen-Si Lin, Lih-Chiann Wang, Journal of Veterinary Science 2019, 20 (1):27 https://doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2019.20.1.27
2. Comparison of the trometamol-balanced solution with two other crystalloid solutions for fluid resuscitation of a rat hemorrhagic model, Wen-Ting Ting, Ru-Wen Chang, Chih-Hsien Wang, Yih-Sharng Chen, Jih-Jong Lee, J Vet Sci. 2020; 21:e6. Published online Dec 05, 2019. https://doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2020.21.e6
3. Imatinib Enhances the Anti-Tumor Effect of Doxorubicin in Canine B-cell Lymphoma Cell Line, W Chen, I Liu, H Tomiyasu, J Lee, C Cheng, A T Liao, B Liu, C Liu, C Lin, The Veterinary Journal Volume 254, Dec 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2019.105398
4. Elevated plasma YKL-40 level is found in the dogs with cancer and is related to poor prognosis, Kai Chung Cheng, Jih Jong Lee, Shang Lin Wang, Chun Yu Lin, Ching Tien Tseng, Chen Si Lin, Albert Taiching Liao, Journal of Veterinary Science Sep 2019, https://doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2019.20.e53
5. Urothelial Carcinomas of the Urinary Bladder With Plasmacytoid or Rhabdoid Features and Tendency of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in 3 Dogs, Susanne Lin, Chi-Fei Kao, Fun-In Wang, Chian-Ren Jeng, Jih-Jong Lee, Lei-Ya Wang, Hui-Wen Chang, Yi-Jiun Chen, Chen-Hsuan Liu, Victor Pang, Veterinary Pathology 55:673-677 April 16, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1177/0300985818771151
6. Target-Triggered, Dual Amplification Strategy for Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of a Lymphoma-associated MicroRNA, Amily Jou, You-Jin Chen, Ying Li, Ying-Feng Chang, Jih-jong Lee, Albert Liao, Ja-an Ho, Electrochimica Acta Vol 236:190-197 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2017.03.029
7. Simultaneous visual inspection for barometric whole-body plethysmography waveforms during pulmonary function testing in client-owned cats. Chung-Hui H Lin, Huey-Dong D Wu, Pei-Ying Y Lo, Jih-Jong J Lee, Chen-Hsuan H Liu, Journal of feline medicine and surgery 18(10):761-767 Oct 2016, https://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X15592662
8. Granulysin expressed in a humanized mouse model induces apoptotic cell death and suppresses tumorigenicity. Ya-Wen W Hsiao, Tsung-Ching C Lai, Yu-Hsiang H Lin, Chia-Yi Y Su, Jih-Jong J Lee, Albert T Liao, Yuan-Feng F Lin, Shu-Chen C Hsieh, Alexander T Wu, Michael Hsiao, Oncotarget 8:83495-83508 Aug 2016, https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.11473
9. Suppressive function of low‐dose deguelin on the invasion of oral cancer cells by downregulating tumor necrosis factor alpha–induced nuclear factor‐kappa B signaling, Yu‐Peng Liu, Jih‐Jong Lee, Tsung‐Ching Lai, Chien‐Hsin Lee, Ya‐Wen Hsiao, Po‐Shen Chen, Wei‐Ting Liu, Chi‐Yuan Hong, Se‐Kwan Lin, Mark‐Yen Kuo, Pei‐Jung Lu, Michael Hsiao Head & Neck Apr. 2016
10. Comparison of efficacy and toxicity of doxorubicin and mitoxantrone in combination chemotherapy for canine lymphoma. Shang-Lin L Wang, Jih-Jong J Lee, Albert T Liao, The Canadian veterinary journal Mar 2016
11. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-2 Plays a Leading Prognostic Role among Protease Families in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Chia-Yi Y Su, Yu-Peng P Liu, Chih-Jen J Yang, Yuan-Feng F Lin, Jean Chiou, Li-Hsing H Chi, Jih-Jong J Lee, Alex T Wu, Pei-Jung J Lu, Ming-Shyan S Huang, Michael Hsiao, PloS one Jul 2015
12. Functional assessment of expiratory flow pattern in feline lower airway disease Chung-Hui Lin, Jih-Jong Lee, Chen-Hsuan Liu, Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 2014
13. Case report: Low dose cyclosporine combined ketoconazole cures a dog of sterile nodular panniculitis, Shang-Lin Wang, Jih-Jong Lee, and Albert Taiching Liao, Taiwan Veterinary Journal, Vol. 41(1)39-43, 2015
14. Lin C.N., B.L. Su, H.P. Huang, J. J. Lee, M.W. Hsieh, L.L. Chueh. Gield strain feline coronaviruses with small deletion in ORF7b associated with both enteric infection and feline infectious peritonitis. J Feline Med Surg. Nov, 2008.
15. Lee J., M.S. Huang, I.C. Yang, T.C. Lai, J.L. Wang, V.F. Pang, M. Hsiao, M.Y. Kuo. Essential roles of caspases and their upstream regulations in rotenone-induce apoptosis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 20:371(1):33-38,2008.
16. Lee J. J., P.B. Chen, S.H. Yang, C.H. Cheng, L.L. Chueh, V.F. Pang, M. Hsiao, C.T. Lin. Effect of the VP3 gene of chicken anemiavirus on canine mammary tumor cells. Am J Vet Res 68(4):411-422, 2007.
17. Lee J. J., P. B. Chen, S. H. Yang, C. H. Cheng, L. L. Chueh, V. F. Pang, M. Hsiao, and C. T. Lin. Effects of the VP3 gene of chicken anemia virus on canine mammary gland tumor cells. American Journal of Veterinary Research 68(4): 411-422, 2007.
日期 | 時間 | 項目 | 講師或單位 |
3/19 | 8:30~9:00 | 報到 | 報到處 |
9:00~9:45 | 貓淋巴瘤
Feline Lymphoma |
Douglas Thamm | |
9:45~10:30 | 貓淋巴瘤
Feline Lymphoma |
Douglas Thamm | |
10:30~11:00 | 茶點時間Tea Break | ||
11:00~11:45 | 貓淋巴瘤
Feline Lymphoma |
Douglas Thamm | |
11:45~12:30 | 貓乳腺瘤
Feline Mammary gland tumors |
Douglas Thamm | |
12:30~13:30 | 午餐時間Lunch Time | ||
13:30~14:15 | 貓乳腺瘤
Feline Mammary gland tumors |
Douglas Thamm | |
14:15~15:00 | 呼吸道腫瘤
Feline Tumors of the respiratory tract |
Douglas Thamm | |
15:00~15:30 | 茶點時間Tea Break | ||
15:30~16:15 | 呼吸道腫瘤
Feline Tumors of the respiratory tract |
Douglas Thamm | |
16:15~17:00 | 腸胃道腫瘤
Feline Tumors of the Gastrointestine |
李繼忠副教授 | |
3/20 | 8:30~9:00 | 報到 | 報到處 |
9:00~9:45 | 貓鱗狀上皮細胞瘤
Feline Squamous Cell Carcinoma |
李繼忠副教授 | |
9:45~10:30 | 貓鱗狀上皮細胞瘤
Feline Squamous Cell Carcinoma |
李繼忠副教授 | |
10:30~11:00 | 茶點時間Tea Break | ||
11:00~11:45 | Q&A | Douglas Thamm | |
11:45~12:30 | Q&A | Douglas Thamm | |
12:30~13:30 | 午餐時間Lunch Time | ||
13:30~14:15 | 貓注射部位腫瘤
Feline Injected Site Sarcoma |
李繼忠副教授 | |
14:15~15:00 | 貓注射部位腫瘤
Feline Injected Site Sarcoma |
李繼忠副教授 | |
15:00~15:30 | 茶點時間Tea Break | ||
15:30~16:15 | 貓肥大細胞瘤
Feline Mast Cell Tumor |
李繼忠副教授 | |
16:15~17:00 | 貓肥大細胞瘤
Feline Mast Cell Tumor |
李繼忠副教授 |
汽車位:平日 $40元/時;假日$60元/時